Contact Us

For any questions or concerns, please contact any of the directors Tom Naumann or Jessica Sydow.

Jessica Sydow – Director, Communications
C: 952-905-9981

Tom Naumann – Director, Activities/Scheduling
C: 920-266-5387

We are not confident that we will have internet access in our area of the camp, which will make it extremely hard for us to pass out emails to campers or to communicate with parents. Please call our cell phones if you need to get a hold of us. Feel free to leave a message if we aren't available. We will check our message daily. If you would like to send your camper snail mail, we suggest you do it early in the week and mail it to the address below.

In case of an emergency, please try both of our cell phones. Camp JIM's main line is 218.829.6767 and their fax is 218.829.6428. They will be able to contact us if an emergency arises. If you need directions to camp, there is a map on the Camp JIM website. (which many of you know will be helpful from 2 years ago!)

Camp Koyquin Attn: Name of Camper
c/o Camp JIM
1026 Camp JIM Road SW
Pillager, MN 56473